
10月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Discussion 3

  Topic : Instituting s skipping / repeating grade system in high school is. Minnie : disagree /  She doesn't want the system to separate her from her friends and believes that her three years of high school will be very useful when she goes out into the world and that clubs and other activities will help her overcome her weaknesses. Instead of implementing a system, she suggested creating a special class for smart students and also spoke in favor of skipping classes. Scott : N /  First, she argued that high school is not compulsory, and then stated that the three years of high school are short and those will be cherished memories. She believes that the introduction of this system would take those memories away from students. She also said she holds her memories of her high school years very dear and will never forget them. Ethan : M /  Sow : agree /  She argues that the system is an opportunity for students to be challenged. Certainly, she believes that while memories of high scho

Discussion2 : To shut down outward and inward traffic to Appollon due to the Global Pandemic

 Pepper Gruber : Against She is an actress. She is opposed to shutting down the country for fear of losing her source of income as she has jobs abroad. She agreed with the idea of putting restrictions on the country, not shutting it down completely but when it turned out that the restrictions didn't include tourists, she changed her mind again to disagreeing with the idea. Gon Auden : Against  He is the owner of the bar. Most of the bar's customers are tourists, and closing down the country would make it difficult for him to operate. Therefore, he is against closing the country. He also suggested that instead of shutting down the country completely, he would put restrictions on it and make sure that masks are worn, acrylic plates and disinfection are used to prevent the virus. Anna Plowman : M Sora Swift : For  She is a hairdresser. Since most of the customers who come to her hairdressing salon are island residents, closing down the country will have little impact on them. She

Panel Discussion 1

 2020.10.15  Panel discussion : to build an underground studying cafe with free space Alex : She agrees with this opinion. She wants to compose and study music, but doesn't want to disturb her grandmother's sleep at home so she said she wants to build this cafe and do different activities.If this café is built, she will use it for six hours a day. She thinks this café can be a place of communication in many ways. Chipp :  She is neutral in this opinion. She believes that studying can be done at home. She says that the free spaces in cafes and libraries are a bit noisy, so it's no different than studying at home. Building in the basement is dangerous and the island has a lot of beautiful scenery so it's better to make the most of it. She thinks it would cost a lot of money to build a cafe in the basement. Jane :  She disagrees with this opinion. She is a supermarket manager and believes that if the café is built, it will increase the number of people using the café and