Discussion2 : To shut down outward and inward traffic to Appollon due to the Global Pandemic

 Pepper Gruber : Against

She is an actress. She is opposed to shutting down the country for fear of losing her source of income as she has jobs abroad. She agreed with the idea of putting restrictions on the country, not shutting it down completely but when it turned out that the restrictions didn't include tourists, she changed her mind again to disagreeing with the idea.

Gon Auden : Against 

He is the owner of the bar. Most of the bar's customers are tourists, and closing down the country would make it difficult for him to operate. Therefore, he is against closing the country. He also suggested that instead of shutting down the country completely, he would put restrictions on it and make sure that masks are worn, acrylic plates and disinfection are used to prevent the virus.

Anna Plowman : M

Sora Swift : For 

She is a hairdresser. Since most of the customers who come to her hairdressing salon are island residents, closing down the country will have little impact on them. She fears that by not closing the country, an infectious disease will spread. She believes that the country should be closed down now while it is safe to do so.

Mia Williams(me) : For

I am a college student and a musician. I was in the U.S. before the outbreak, but decided it was not safe to stay in the U.S. and came back to my country. After seeing people and families actually dying from the effects of the infection in the US, I decided that Appollon should be closed down. The people living in Appollon have no antibodies because they have never had an infectious disease before. Therefore, we can expect a higher chance of death from infectious diseases than people in other countries. We also believe that this will help to close down the country and develop the online business, which in turn will help to develop the domestic business.


Q. What does it take to shut down a country?What's the matter with you?(Alex)

A. We need money. (Gon, Pepper)

Q. How long will you shut down the country?

A. Vaccine completion is estimated to be 9 months to 2 years, so it should be closed for about a year. (Mia)

Q. Why think about this issue now when we can live safely now?

A. There is no telling when the problem of infectious diseases will continue to crop up so we need to talk about it now, at this safe stage and while it's safe now, we don't know what will happen in the future.(Mia)

We didn't come to a resolution, but I think I was able to express my views properly. It was very interesting to have a discussion in which I played a role.


  1. This is Chipp. I can understand your opinion. It is danger that many people infect by coming tourists. However, I think Apollon is tourism island, so we can’t stop the tourism. So, I think we all take measure to protect ourselves and restrict the number of people who come in, the danger will be lesser than as you think. Your opinion is also important. Thank you, Mia.

  2. Hi, this is Spenser. I understand your opinion and I think it is good to focus on "online business". In the future, more and more country use the online for business and. We rely on tourism industry for most of our production. This is good chance to expend our industry. Because some people worry about losing their jobs, it would be better to show them how to use online for their jobs or some effects by using them.

  3. Hi, I'm Minnie. Your idea was very good! You talked your opinion with your past experience. This made us understand your opinion easily. In addition to these things, your voice and pronunciation were so clear, so It was easy for me to listen to your opinion. They are your strong point! Thank you!:)

  4. Hi, I'm Matilda. You showed us specific numbers on how long it will take to get the vaccine. That was made me understood how was difficult to protect our country from the virus. I thought it 'll too late to take measures after the infected appeared. Thanks, Mia!

  5. Hello, I'm Julia. I feel this various is so dangerous, because you know how hard it was in USA. Your claim was strong and I was very convinced. Your discussion is great! Thank you, Mia:)

  6. Hello. I'm Lily.
    Your opinion was so definitely. However difficult questions are, you answered well. I learned many things from you. Improving domestic business is good point of view. Although I thought it is good if you said that people don't shut out completely, the discussion was better more.
    You were cool! Thank you, Mia!

  7. Hello. I'm Bob. I understood your opinion, but there are a number of issues to achieve that perfectly.
    So there are some points that we should compromise. Thanks Mia.

  8. Hello. I'm John. I could understand your opinion. The discussion was good. Thank you.

  9. Hi. I'm Jane Fisher. I agree with the idea. The opinion based on your experience in the US is very understandable. The opinions of other members are written very clearly and easy to understand, too. Thank you.

  10. Hi, I'm Anna. Thanks for your great work in the panel discussion. I think you can make your opinion more clearly by using some materials. Thanks!

  11. Hi, I'm Qinglong. It's good to take things seriously. It will be more persuasive if it is specifically communicated to the other party.

  12. Hi! I'm Gon. I thought your opinion was clear and persuasive. We had opposite opinions, but I could convince your opinion! Good job!!

  13. Hi, I'm Ethan. Your opinion is good and especially concrete. It makes me good feeling. Thank you for talking your opinion!

  14. Hi, I'm Sora. Thank you for helping me in the discussion! I think we could tell others all of what we want to argue because we could cooperate together! It was I'm sorry that the topic didn't become consensus, but I never give up! If we can get a chance, let's fight together in order to save our country!

  15. Hi, I’m Karen. Your speech was so constructive. I understood the necessary of shutting down Apollon. Consensus was not decided, but you guys had good discussion! Thank you for your effort!




Discussion 7

Discussion 11