Discussion 11

 Topic: Apollon candidate for the host country of G20 or not.

Mia: neutral / I think it is very good to have the economic benefits of holding the summit, but I am not sure about the details. I think there are both advantages and disadvantages to holding the summit. I would like to hear more about the opinions of both side.

Sora : disagree / 1.There is a possibility that terrorism may occur. As a small country, it is difficult to provide security. 2. There is a possibility of noise pollution. 3.Traffic is inconvenient because we are an island nation.

Alex : M

Anna : agree / 1.Becoming a host country will improve the economy and increase the visibility of the country to other countries. 2.Increase the number of tourists through media influence.

Nakasy : agree / 1.It will be a good opportunity to let other countries know about our country. 2.Since I am a tutor, I can actually teach the students a lot if our country becomes the host country.

What is the G20 Summit?

The prime ministers of the countries belonging to the G20 gather for a meeting. Since the country or land will be known all over the world through the media, economic benefits can be expected.

Insufficient safety

Apollo is an island nation and is a safe country with no major crimes so far. Therefore, in order to hold a conference where the prime ministers of various countries gather, it is essential to improve security.

agree side : If it is G7, it will be okay because the scale will be smaller.

A. There is no doubt that the scale of the meeting will be smaller, but the fact that the prime ministers will gather will not change. Either way, it is necessary to strengthen security.

Q. You mention security issues, but how exactly is Apollo's security lacking? How many police do we have in this country?

A. I don't know the specific number, but the summit is a big event where the prime ministers gather. Apollon has a small population, so the number of police is considered insufficient.

Location of Apollo

Apollon is not in the G20. Which group does it belong to?

A. Group 5

Countries with warm temperatures are located in the warmer regions around the equator.


Mia Neutral

Sora disagree

Anna agree

Nakasy agree

We did not come to a consensus. We need to have more discussion on this topic.

My thoughts

This topic was about global exchange. Personally, I thought the security issue was the biggest concern. Since our country is a small island nation with a small population, I thought it would be very difficult to strengthen security. For this reason, I thought Anna's suggestion of getting help from other countries was a good one. Another concern was transportation. There are no airports or planes in Apollo. Therefore, the prime ministers of each country would have to come by boat. That takes a lot of time. I thought it would be difficult to become a host country if we don't consider the transportation method.


  1. Hello, I’m Chipp. Your works were so good. You asked both of agree and disagree opinions.
    I also think the transportation is a big problem as you think. However, is there no passenger ships? Apollon is a tourism country, so I think there is enough port that prime ministers could come in by the ship. Thank you.

  2. Hello, I'm Julia. Thank you for great work. I think your voice is louder and clear, so I can understand your opinion easily. You are the neutral side, so you can consider both position. However, I think you should discuss about the access problem. The discussion of security is a lot, but access is few. So, I think you should talk about other parts more details. Thank you Mia:)

  3. Hello, I'm Minnie.
    You were neutral and you had to consider both agree idea and disagree idea, so I think it was very difficult. As the discussion progressed, you may have wavered in your opinion. Anyway, you did it well! Thank you.

  4. Hi, I'm Jane Fisher. I think G20 causes danger, but it is important to discuss it. Also, I think security and traffic problem is important, too. You can understand both good points and bad points and it was good. Thank you.

  5. Hello, I'm John. Your pronunciation is cool and good. It is true that in terms of G20 summit held in Apollon, there is a possibility of producing benefits, bad problems occuring. If concrete plans to defend terrorhythm was discussed in discussion, you may have changed your position. Thank you, Mia.

  6. This is Spenser. You had clear opinion and that helped my thought. I did not concern about security system as much at first, but realized how important to us. Although Ana's idea is nice, I still consider security system and it cost a lot of money. It will be good to bridge the gap in about safety between each side.

  7. Hi, Mia. I'm Alex. Good job. The topic in this time seemed difficult for us. However, you asked questions about what G 20 is like and so on. Thanks to you, most of the audience could keep up with the panel discussion. While you were speaking, you said you opinions quickly. Some of the audience seemed confused, so if you state your opinion slowly, you can be a good speaker with a persuasive opinion. Good luck. I was glad to join in at the discussion with you.

  8. Hello, I’m Nakasy.
    Thank you for having the discussion with me. Your job was great. I had thought it was very difficult to be neutral, for the person seemed to agree it disagree with the topic, though he said neutral. But you could be completely neutral, it made me impressed. Your problem I thought was to asked “what’s the g20 summit?”. Alex mentioned about it, before the discussion. Thank you.

  9. Hi, I’m Sora. You spoke very fluently so I’m jealous for your pronounce. I think you had spoken more slowly, everyone could have understand your opinions more clearly. However, your work was really good! Thank you for helping me!☺︎

  10. Hello, I'm Scott. You calmly state your opinion. At first, I strongly agree your opinion, because I also didn't know about G20 well. Your idea that we should know about the G20 first was very correct. You didn't reach the consensus, but it was a very meaningful discussion. Thank you.

  11. Hi, I'm Symons. I thought that your pronunciation was so good. I also concern about transportation, in other word, ministers from other country have to come to Apollon only by watercraft. I thought of using airplanes, but Apollon has no airport. Although we build an airport, It will be small because we cannot secure so large land. So I think to hold G20 in Apollon is difficult too. Thank you.

  12. Hi, I’m Karen. Thanks to you, you took part in this discussion as being neutral, I figured out states of both side very clearly. I wanted to listen your opinion on what kind of security measures would make you feel safe. Thank you for your good job!

  13. Hi, I'm Matilda. You spoke clearly so that was very helpful for me. However, sometimes you spoke quickly so I couldn't understand a little. So, I think it will be even better if you are conscious of speaking a little more slowly. Thank you for good discussion.

  14. Hello. I'm Lily. Thank you for your great job.
    You should ask question of costs of facilities more.
    When you asked it to agree side, they answered that Apollon is already wealthy because we can get many visitors. Although we have to consider how we use money. It is good that you make everyone think about cost.
    If you do so, citizens will be willing to consider economy of Apollon. Thank you.

  15. Hello, I'm Anthony. I think you are listening agree opinion and disagree opinion carefully as a neutral position and it is very important roll in the discussion. thank you for great discussion.

  16. Hi, I'm Kingsley. Thank you for your discussion. I thought this topic was so challenging that it was not suitable for Apollon. It's natural for you to have questions with both sides. As you said there were too many problems such as transportation. Your questions made this discussion active. Thank you!

  17. Hi, I'm Qinglong. I think it was a well thought out opinion. And your pronunciation is clear and easy to understand. It was wonderful. Thank you.

  18. Hi, I'm Gon. I also thought the topic has as many advantages and disadvantages. I was able to understand some point of doubt because you asked a lot of question and got necessary informations. You played a very important role in this discussion. Thank you!

  19. Hi, I'm Pepper. I think it was good that you took a neutral position, but I think you should have elaborated more on why you chose to be neutral. And you should ask more questions about the answers you don't agree with. Thank you .

  20. Hi, I'm Davis. Thank you for the discussion. I thought the weakness of security is the biggest problem, as you thought. But to reach consensus, you should have asked more because you are in a neutral position. Thank you.




Discussion 7

Discussion2 : To shut down outward and inward traffic to Appollon due to the Global Pandemic