Discussion 5

 Topic : We should make an airport

Symons : agree / He is in favor of building the airport because it will improve business in tourism and trade.

Anthny : agree / Many people can come to our country more easily because of the short travel time by airplane, while ships take a lot of time.

Nakasy : M

John : disagree / 1 noise problems. 2 Takes a long time to make.

Bob : disagree / Apollon is a small island, he thinks, so he doesn't need a plane, and planes are far too noisy.

S Q. How many people are bothered by the noise?

J A. I can't tell you exactly what it is, but it would bother a lot of people.

A Q. What do you think about improving the economy?

J A. The improvement in the economy is great, but there are too many problems caused by the construction of the airport.

J Q. Who's going to pay for it?

A A. The government and the airline pay for it together.

J Q. Where are you going to build the airport?

S A. It will be built near the sea.

B Q. There are a lot of tourists but not many who come on weekdays.

S A. It is better to fly on holidays only.


B disagree

J disagree

A disagree 

S agree 

We do not reach consensus

My thoughts.

There were only two benefits to be gained from building the airport, as far as I'm concerned. The first is the ability to move tourists and residents around more easily. It would also have the potential to develop the economy. The second is the development of trade. The ability to export and import more quickly, which would allow us to have access to fresh food and other products. We know that these two things are very good. However, in this discussion, I felt that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. First of all, our country is a small island nation, so there is no place to build. Even if it could be built, it would be impossible to build a large airport because of the amount of land and money involved. Even after it is built, there will be various problems such as noise and maintenance costs. For these reasons, I am opposed to the construction of the airport.


  1. Miyu, please write your report more as a newspaper article would be written, and less as a Q & A session. That will certainly work in your favor since report writing is one important facet of this class's activity.




Discussion 7

Discussion2 : To shut down outward and inward traffic to Appollon due to the Global Pandemic

Discussion 11