Discussion 9

 Topic : We will make a cleaning day every month second Sunday morning!

Julia : disagree

Karen : neutral

Spenser : M

Matilda : agree


J:Q. Are there any penalties?

Q:A. I'm not thinking about it right now. If many people don't participate, I will think about it.

J:Q. Isn't that a disadvantage for people who live alone?

Q:One hour isn't that much of a burden.

K:Q. Our country is already beautiful. Why do we need to clean it? If it's for communication, there must be some other way.

Q:It's clean now, but with all the tourists, it should be cleaned for the future.

K:If this activity is for national communication, I suggest other events.

S:Q. Is this activity to clean up the country? Is it about communication?


J:Q. We have to prepare our own cleaning supplies, which costs money.

Q:Use what you have at home.

M:As for those who don't have cleaning tools, the government will pay for them.

J:Q、Wouldn't younger people participate?

M:Invite a popular singer.

Questions from the audience

Q. How do you clean it?

A. Picking up trash

Q.How old do I have to be to participate?

A.Children under 6 years old should be accompanied by their parents.

Q.What do you do on rainy days?

A.We will postpone it to next week.

Q. There are people who want to participate but can't due to work or other reasons. Wouldn't a penalty create problems?

A. Penalties will be imposed only on those who skipped. As long as there is a reason, it is okay.

my Q. Wouldn't inviting a singer cause a mess and bring in people who wouldn't clean up?

A. We'll give tickets to those who participate to meet the singer at a later date, so there won't be any confusion.

my Q. That singer doesn't get paid. What's the benefit for him?

A. He wanted to volunteer, even if he didn't get paid.

New plan


One in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Do it once every three months


Divide the area into three parts and participate near yourself.




M: agree

K: agree

J : agree

We did not reach a consensus.

My thoughts

I did not understand the purpose of the event. I don't think it would be efficient to force all the people to participate. I think it would be more efficient to recruit people to help clean as volunteers and give something to those who participate, and I think that would make the participants feel good about cleaning. Human beings don't like to do things when they are forced to.

I don't think the suggestion of inviting singers is efficient. They said it was to increase the participation of young people, but I don't think there are any singers who would perform for free at an event held once every three months. It's just too unprofitable.

I think it's great that they are trying to clean up the country, but we need to discuss more details.


  1. Miyu, please give some background to the situation prior to the discussion and write your report more like a newspaper article and less like a bunch of questions and answers. You need to be more communicative in your writing.




Discussion 7

Discussion2 : To shut down outward and inward traffic to Appollon due to the Global Pandemic

Discussion 11