Discussion 9

Topic : We should build a casino

Nakasy : against  Gambling is highly addictive and not easy to stop. If you fail, you will owe money. Gambling may lead to more suicides. There are many things to consider.

John : against Gambling will cause people to run out of money and die. Our country today has weak security, which leads to crime.

Simons : M

Anthony : agree Develop the country's economy by building casinos. Become a city like Las Vegas or Macau. It can increase the employment of the people. Eliminate illegal gambling.

Bob : agree Building a casino will make the country richer.

About impressions

Anthony wonders why people in our country have a bad impression of casinos.

In response, Nakasy says that they are not safe but dangerous because of the possibility of crime.

Another question from the audience was whether it was okay for our country, which is famous for its agriculture, to change its impression to that of a gambling country.

Bob replied that it was fine as long as the economy would grow.

About Taxes

Bob suggested creating a special tax for casinos. This is a special tax for casinos, which translates to 30% of the total profit for the government and He claimed that it would take about five years for the casino tax to recoup the cost of building the casino.

Also, if foreigners want to use the casino, they will have to convert the money into Apollo money.

Anthony argued that by creating a state-run casino and making a profit from it, the country would become richer and there would be no more illegal gambling.

About the place to build

Bob replied that he would build it near the city.

However, Nakasy argued that famous casinos are building shopping malls, amusement parks and hotels nearby. He stated that if they build it near the city, as Bob said, it would be impossible and would reduce their income.

Anthony countered that we could use existing facilities, but it would be difficult because our country is a small one.


The question was raised about how to deal with criminals and mafia if they come. Anthony suggested that anyone suspicious be put on a checklist beforehand.

Nakasy asked Bob, you are a police officer and you are in favor of building a casino, an establishment where crimes can happen? Nakasy asked.

Bob replied that he was fine with it because he liked gambling and criminals could be caught.

B agree

A agree

S disagee

J disagree

N disagree

My thoughts

I am against the idea of building casinos. Bob and Anthony said they didn't have a problem with Apollo's impression changing to a gambling country, but since Apollo's main income comes from tourists, I thought it would be risky to change the current impression. I also asked Bob and Anthony, "Who is going to build the facility? Where is the money going to come from? How can we be sure it will be successful?'' I asked them. Bob and Anthony replied that the government would run the casino and taxpayers would pay for it. Bob and Anthony responded that the government would run the casinos and taxpayers would pay for it, so there was no guarantee. I thought this was too irresponsible. It was a serious decision that could change the impression of the country, its dangers, and its revenues, so they should not have built it unless they were sure it would be profitable.



Discussion 7

Discussion2 : To shut down outward and inward traffic to Appollon due to the Global Pandemic

Discussion 11